by Portrait Photographer, Mark Cox Photography.

I love being asked to photograph a new baby.  A new addition to the family brings lots of fun and joy to all and this one was no exception.  This session took place some time ago and this little lady must be nearly 8 months old now.  However, looking through my work from last year for a “Best of” blog post I knew I had to share.  My baby photography normally takes place at home where the family and new baby feel comfortable. There are no time pressures on the shoot as we just wait for things to occur such all those expressions and actions that make your baby who they are.  The images below are of a lovely little lady called Phoebe.  Enjoy……

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As a Taunton Portrait Photographer I love taking pictures of people, especially small babies, and trying to capture the actions, expressions and the personality of each person in the portrait. If you have a newborn baby why not get in touch to discuss how I can capture a very special time and provide you with some fabulous images that can be treasured forever.

Please call on 07884 445852 or Contact Me or Email Me  for details and prices.

You can see more of my work on my Newborn Gallery. You can follow me on Twitter or visit my Facebook Page for more updates.